Bulut Export
  • Difference in the World

    Difference in the World

    If you also want to be a part of humanitarian aid and make a difference in the world, join us. Take a step to contribute to people's lives and make the world a better place. Come on, let's be a beacon of hope for humanity together!
  • We are ready to supply products all over the world.

    We are ready to supply products all over the world.

    We do our job with great dedication to keep up with every audience who needs help.
  •  Families Receive Shelters

    Families Receive Shelters



  • Plastic and Metal Garbage Container

    Plastic and Metal Garbage Container

  • Roll-packed Mattresses

    Roll-packed Mattresses

  • Food Kits

    Food Kits

  • Reaching Those in Need

    Reaching Those in Need

    The hygiene kits we supplied for UNICEF in Afghanistan have been delivered to those in need. BULUTEXPORT continues to provide goods and services for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) around the world.

Our Products

You can review our products and contact us.

Why US ?

Firmamız kurulduğu günden beri koşulsuz müşteri memnuniyeti ilkesiyle sektörüne öncülük etmeye ve örnek olmaya devam etmektedir.


Our company is based on customer safety factor in all purchases.


We will continue to lead the sector with our experienced employees.


Our customers are important for us, 100% customer satisfaction basis..

About Our Company

About Our Company


General Corporate Article

    Bulut Export, a logistics and supplies company was founded in Erbil in 2001 to bring a better business model to the logistics and supplies industry. In Middle-East there is a lack of professionalism in most sectors, and in this void Bulut Export finds opportunity to excel. Bulut Export specializes in the Middle East region providing added value to both the domestic and global economy through its commercial activities and employment opportunities. Bulut Export proudly adopts the principle of "100% customer satisfaction" in all areas of its sales and after sales services. This sets Bulut Export apart from the rest by meeting the demands and requests of its customers with the highest level of service.

   Bulut Export is also known by its significant investments and is an industry leader in various industries such as supplying food and non-food items, construction materials and logistics, security services as well as cosmetics, medical and basic personal care products. As a response to Bulut Export professionalism, immediately after its incorporation, Bulut Export’s growth quickly accelerated and continues to do so thanks to their customers in all the industries they serve.

   The secret to Bulut Export success is that they provide the highest level of service by incorporating into their business new innovations and efficient management and service policies. Bulut Export is the go-to solution partner for its customers and looks forward to provide them services for years to come. 




Our company continues to pioneer and lead the sector with the principle of unconditional customer satisfaction since its establishment.